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Q: How do you prepare for a game?

A: It’s a job that Jay and his colleagues are all immersed in. It’s something he has basically been doing his whole life and he has been studying the game as a broadcaster for the past 25 years. He already had great prior knowledge from playing and coaching in college. Over time he has done lots of studies on the history of the game. You can’t just cover one aspect, you need to be able to cover the entire landscape of the game. Before games, you need to look into the teams, look for trends, etc.

Example: Duke v UNC on a Saturday in February. He has seen those teams play 10+ times by then, so he already has great prior knowledge of how the teams have played that year. Two days before every game he starts to make his own scouting report of the two teams playing.

Q: What was your motivation in going to law school?

A:  It was to enhance his education. At no point did he believe he was going to become a lawyer, but he just wanted a better education. Going to law school couldn’t hurt him, but only helped him throughout his career.

Q: Did Duke basketball change after Christian Laettner?

A: Yes, it has changed over the years. Laettner was a player when I was a grad assistant coach, and was one of the really great players and competitors I’ve seen in college. While the program hasn’t changed that much, the game for sure changed. The style of play is completely different now, and guys like Laettner would stay for 4 years. Until the late 90s, a one and done was rare to see. Today, I wouldn’t say the teams are as good as they were before, because a team full of seniors is going to be better than a team full of freshmen.

Q: What do you think about people going to the g-league or overseas instead of college?

A: I think it’s great if they want to do that. These are all options that are up to the player, and the majority of the time it is a business decision. I happen to believe college is a good thing for a young person, and I believe we should welcome players to stay any length at a school whether it is one year or four.

Photo: Geoff Burke / USA TODAY Sports